The new 2019 BiodivERsA funded project VOODOO is going to kick-off on 27 and 28 January 2020. An international team of experts from four different countries has gathered in its common goal to address the knowledge gap in the existing data for pollinators and their benefits to humankind. The project shall forward the issue by discovering how land-use (conventional intensive agriculture, rural mosaic or urban land) and alien plant species drive modifications to the availability and quality of floral resources that in turn affect the structure and dynamics of plant-pollinator-virus communities.
The VOODOO project is supported under the 2018-2019 BiodivERsA3 call "Biodiversity and its influence on animal, human and plant health", which is a joint call from BiodivERsA project, aiming to support research projects at the nexus of biodiversity and health issues.