
VOODOO brings an interdisciplinary research team together to provide new knowledge on the disease risk to pollinators arising from the effects of urban and agricultural land-use on floral resources, pollinator foraging and viral pathogen sharing in different landscapes.


Warsaw University of Life Science (SGGW)


Warsaw University of Life Sciences co-leads WP1b and brings scientific expertise in managed honey bees, molecular biology and virology.

Martin- Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU)


Martin- Luther University Halle-Wittenberg brings expertise in social insects, bee ecology, health and disease, evolution, and molecular biology and leads WP3.

Jagiellonian University Krakow (JU)


Jagiellonian University leads WP1 and brings scientific expertise in wild bees, insect-plant ecology, landscape ecology, global change.

Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ)


UFZ brings scientific expertise in insect-plant ecology, landscape ecology, global change, invasive species, epidemiology, emerging disease and social science. UFZ lead WP5 (Dr Silke Beck & Dr Heidi Wittmer) and co-lead WP4 (Dr Hans- Hermann Thulke).



Agroscope leads WP2 and brings scientific expertise in wild pollinator ecology, trophic interactions, botany, network modelling, agricultural landscapes and management and invasive species.

University of Bern (UNIBE)


University of Bern brings expertise in honey bee biology and management, veterinary science, bee health and disease, evolutionary biology, molecular biology and co-leads WP1.

National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE)


INRAEā€™s team brings expertise in insect ecology, botany, species interactions, agriculture and landscape ecology, bee health, epidemiology , molecular biology and network modelling. INRAE (Dr Vanbergen) coordinates the project and co-leads WP 4 (Dr Maryline Pioz).

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